My and my girl have the creepy crud going on over here. Nasty cough and big time stuffy, plus it feels like someone is squeezing my head in a vice or something. It sucks.
So, anyway, I haven't posted much lately. This isn't much now either, but I am bored. Mr. H is at work and the boy is at his moms, so it is just me and the girl today.
We went to Tucson last weekend to visit w/ my sister in law and her family. We stayed here! My mother in law came w/ us but she stayed at my sister in laws. It was a nice weekend for the most part. :)
My Mommy comes on Wednesday night for a week. We picked up our layaway from Wal-Mart last night, so now I just have to get everything wrapped and under the tree, except for the santa gift.
While Mommy is here, we are going to paint some pottery w/ the kids and do zoo lights. DivaPrincess, I'll send you an email but we were thinking of doing this zoo instead this year. Let me know what you think, it costs 7.00.
So sign up for this blingo thing that I have linked, over there, to your right, above the weather girl, we can all win prizes by doing google searches.
Peace out!
....or Get Off the Pot
7 years ago
my wireless connection sucks! I couldn't click the zoo link. Is it decorated with Christmas lights?
also.."peace out" lmao
I'm sick too, it's in my lj post.
for you and Mr. Zuko----
I think we will probably be able to go. We have so much goin on we leave Friday in the morning for Payson, come back Saturday afternoon, take the kids to Bill's, Bill & Jenn will bring them back Christmas morning, then Todd and I take them to Fountain hills to be with my family ARRRGGGHHH craziness!!!! Anyways I will let you know for sure by this weekend. What time would we meet you there?
So nice that dakini wrote something on your blog. I am glad that you are feeling better now.
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