Monday, September 29, 2008

My future Navy SEAL

T. got his patricipation ribbon in ROTC and is very proud of himself. He got it for participating in three non-required events. He is now working on his community service ribbon. He is really enjoying this whole ROTC thing.

Also, check out the GUNS.....


LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

Ok first off he is growing to be such a handsome young man. What haopened to that little toddler in the stroller at fighter practice? Second HOLY SHIT when did he get muscles? I am so proud of him!

MOVIEMAN said...

Very awesome. I think that is really good for him physically and mentally. He is definately growing up fast.

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

Baby J has new adventures posted. I am supposed to have him for Lex's Birthday!

Dakini said...

Wow! Geeze look at those muscles!!!!

I remember when he was playing with Willow at fighter practice.