Saturday, November 05, 2005

Nothing much

Just enjoying my weekend w/ my girl. Mr. H works all weekend and my other boy is at his moms this weekend. We did laundry all day today.

Tonight we went here and Rylee painted a picture frame for her Grandmas birthday on Monday.

Tomorrow after Mr. H gets off work we are taking my Mother in law to dinner for her birthday. mmmmm Black Angus.

Sunday - nothing planned, I really need to clean up the house, but where is the fun in that?

Monday - We are going back to As You Wish on Monday morning to a Mommy and Me class to paint a hand print turkey plate for Thanksgiving.


MOVIEMAN said...

Sounds like you had a very nice time. I'm jealous.

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Just wanted to wish you and Mr H a very happy 5 year anniversary. I love you guys!