Friday, August 26, 2005

For my Philly on his birthday

I've known you almost half my life.
We know you once hoped I'd be YOUR wife.

You have hatred for some I call ex,
You really made me laugh by putting the X in SEX.

We've upgraded from Keystone and now drink Miller,
Who ever thought you'd be an accused cat killer!

Most of your family sucks, but mine rocks.
Thanks for always letting Rylee wear your socks.

Your knowledge of movies is really great.
Too bad it hasn't helped you find a date.

With very few, I have shared my Mother,
With you in my life, I never needed a brother.

We've had our good times and our bad,
The fact that we are still friends makes me glad.

So happy birthday, my very dear friend
I know we'll be friends until the end.


MOVIEMAN said...

I am so happy and excited that you actually wrote a poem specifically for me.

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

I love that poem, you guys are awesome!

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

Ha Ha actually it is just me and him :-) I get to meet his folks Sturday morning. He is a doll. Yes he will be at the party. Actually the saturday before I think him, Bill, Jenn and I will all be going out to dinner together. Ummm no weddings yet PUHLEEEAAASSSEEE but i told my mom this one has the potential to keep me in AZ. His birthday is this month also, he will be 37 on th 27th. So I have a busy month a head. ilove ya nope no trolloping around for me. For once there is just one guy I want WOW amazing huh?

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

Ok so the group photo was my guess who upgraded and who didn't photo LOL Did that to fuck with people. The thing with Mary's wedding is I could not remember when it is and I want to get her a card for you to take to it for me that is all, nothing else. By the way I mailed you hard copies of the pictures of Rylee yesterday so you should have them by Wednesday. I am heading up to Payson Friday after work for the weekend or I would have brought them by. J, B and the kids are coming up Saturday and we are all going camping with Todd's parents for Kenny and Todd's birthdays. His dad may be bringing out the 3 quads so that will be fun. Friday night I am cooking food to bring with us with Todd's mom. Can you believe she got Kenny a birthday present? She is so sweet. Anyways I love ya!!! We need to go out to dinner just the 2 of us sometime soon, it has been awhile since our trip to Friday's. It was fun having a small part of the old group together Saturday. Love ya