Santa was good to us all this year and we had a great Christmas. My best gift was seeing the babys heartbeat 2 days after Christmas.
Grama went home yesterday, I have to go back to work Tuesday, maybe. I am going to go in tomorrow and sign up to be off on Tuesday, so we'll see. Mr H. and the boy will go play paintball w/ thier new fancy guns.
Nothing much else to report.
Have a wonderful, safe Happy New year. We'll be safe at home like we are every year - we're boring old parents.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I just keep telling myself the heartburn and nausea are a good thing.
Anyway, nothing much here. Christmas is almost here - yay!!!! I am mostly done except for Ginger, who Dave drew for and my Mother in law. I already got her her gift from me for the name exchange but we, our family, will still be getting her more. Now to just wrap everything. Or wait until my Mom gets here on Thursday, then she can wrap it all. :)
Mr. H is off tomorrow and our fun filled day will be cleaning out the office. We're getting a daybed to go in here for Mommy when she is visiting. So we have to clear it all out and get rid of this pee soaked (thanks Dottie) carpet that is in here. I want to pick up bed tomorrow and have room all ready for when she arrives Thursday night. We also have Taylors winter band concert tomorrow night and then Ry's xmas program is on Wednesday.
I am getting off work a few hours early Tuesday and Thursday. I am only working a few hours Wednesday and I am off all day Friday. I am then off all of xmas week as well. Man it is going to suck when business picks up again and I am forced to work a full 9 hour day. I really need to put in to work less, permanently now that Mr. H is back to work and since they are allowing so much time off these days anyway. Then come September I'll have to change my hours to come in earlier, to work better w/ Ry who will be in kindergarten. Can't even believe it!!!!!!
That's about it!
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Merry Christmas to me...
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Vegas was fun! Mary was standing over my bed at 630am to get me up and going to Vegas. We got out of here by about 730, but had to turn back after a few miles away to get all my coins that Ry and I had sorted. Turns out I didn't need them as not 1 stinking slot machine takes coins anymore. It sucked!!!
On the way we stopped in Laughlin and won a lovely bracelet. Had a 3.99 breakfast w/ a huge hamsteak and eggs. We were going to get pedicures but the place was too busy. We then headed to Vegas. On the way to our hotel we saw another cheap nail place and pulled in for our pedicures. I got to sit next to a woman that either still is a man or once was a man. Huge muscles, man face and receeding hairline, as well as a giant rock on his/her finger.
We met up w/ Mom and her friends at hotel, hung out in our rooms for a bit and then headed to the strip. Both Mary and I hadn't been in over 10 years, so it was very different. We wandered around and I got a giant Pina Colada on the way back to car around midnight. We were headed back to our hotel. We dropped off two of the ladies and went w/ Mom and 1 of her friends to the casino near our hotel. Gambled for a bit and then had another cheap breakfast. Got to our rooms about 3am and crashed.
Sunday we got up and went to brunch where Mary and I had Bloody Marys and Mimosas - although the Mimosas sucked. The other ladies wanted to shop and we just wanted to get back to the strip. We told Mom we were going to pay for the shuttle to get us to the strip as that is why we came to Vegas. We couldn't drive ourselves as we had a few drinks at breakfast and were planning on drinking the rest of the day. They ended up dropping us off and we roamed the strip for 12 hours. We started at Hooters where we were dropped off, headed to Excalibur, took the tram to Mandalay Bay, did not pay 17 bucks to go to aquarium, off to the Luxor, where we were just in time for Criss Angel!!!!
We were headed to his shop and they had a section roped off and the crowd was just forming. He performed a trick in this fountain....
We had a perfect view of his behind. Mary, not knowing or caring who he was, wasn't paying attention to him but to the others around him and busted his little card trick. We couldn't see the actual trick that was performed in the fountain, we'll have to wait for season 4 for that. Mary saw one of his staff walk behind him to appear to look into fountain behind him, but he was actually handing him the card that the girl had chosen and taking away the rest of the deck to place in yet another crew members back pocket. I didn't care, I still got to see him. I was happy. Then hung out between his shop and production office trying to get better pictures. Got the family some goodies from his shop and headed on our way.
We got Monorail tickets and saw pretty much everything we wanted to see that we hadn't seen the night before. We went to the Stratosphere, but did not pay 15 bucks to go to the top.
We roamed and drank and gambled and drank until about 2am when we called Mom to pick us back up and take us back to hotel. Our hotel was about 17 miles from the strip.
Monday morning I had to get up and have breakfast and take a hotel tour. It was long, but well worth the free room. The car was loaded up and ready to go by the time I was done. We headed out. We were going to go by way of Laughlin again as Mom wanted a bracelet but an hour into trip there was a huge accident and word was that it would take 2-3 hours to clear. We turned around and headed home by way of Hoover Dam instead. We stopped somewhere for lunch near the dam. We got home about 8pm that night.
My Mom has been here all week and goes home Monday. She'll be back in a month for xmas though so it's ok. I got a lot of my shopping done Friday. I had never really done the whole Black Friday thing, and guess I still haven't fully experienced it as nothing was worth me getting up before 5am. I got up at 1130am on Friday and got dressed to get to Mervyns before 1pm. Got my stuff , checked out in Lingerie dept, no waiting and said to myself, that wasn't bad at all, I'm going to try Target. Target also wasn't bad as I had to check out in Electronics dept and also no line. They suckered me into a credit card with them, lord knows that's all I need is a Target card, I love that store. Anyway, it saved me 10% for the whole day, so I got it. Ended up going to 2 more Targets before the day was over. Finally got the game I was looking for at the last Target. So most of my shopping is done for immediate family anyway. Plus I now have that nifty Target card for future purchases.
Posted by Mrs. H at 11:34 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
4 Generations
Here is a photo of Ry, me, my Dad and Grandma Eunice from when we were in Utah last month.
I am off work tomorrow to go on Ry's first fieldtrip to check out the hot firemen.
Nothing real exciting going on here. We'll see my Mom this weekend and for Halloween. I tried to talk her into staying for a bit, but she has some plans coming up back home. I am meeting her in Vegas the 2nd weekend in November. Mary and I are driving there and will meet up w/ her and her friends that are driving there. She will then drive home w/ us and stay for Thanksgiving. It's wonderful. can't wait to drink and gamble and see my Mom. We'll be staying here.
That about sums up November. Oh except, I'm missing Divas baby shower because she had to move to Florida!!! :) I won't see my newest 'nephew' until possibly April. I am sure I'll get picture updates almost everyday, but still.....
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Blog this!
I am on my couch blogging on my iPod touch. I tried chatting on today but nobody online. Meebo logs u in to all ur im
like yahoo, aol, gmail and msn. Seems cool, but all that
matters is I can chat w/ my peeps wherever wi fi is available. Well this is fun, but I must go pay attention to Mr. H, he's feeling neglected and I gotta watch Heroes.
Posted by Mrs. H at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Guess it's time for an update
I am back at work, and it sucks!!! If you read Ry's blog then you know we are going to Utah on Thursday. My mom is retiring - yippee! MORE TIME FOR HER TO BE HERE!
Zuko is a puppy, chewing on stuff and being a puppy. He's adorable. I think Dottie is pissed at us though. He will not leave her alone, EVER!
Rylee goes to school everyday and loves it. Swim lessons are coming to an end as it is cooling down here. After Utah if we can afford it we will sign her up for dance. She didn't want to do soccer anymore.
Still looking for work for Mr. H. It stinks, but at least he gets unemployment.
I have the best friends in the world. Some are far away and suck for moving. I know she is very happy there in Florida and I can't say I blame her. If my Mom lived anywhere but Utah, I'd happily move there too.
THE best friend, to end all best friends just rocks my socks off and I love him. Not just because he always buys me cool shit, just because he rocks in general. I can't post about what he is buying now, so as not to cause controversy like last time, but it's awesome and I can't wait to "touch" it. Seriously, he is the best, he is always there for me, whether I am happy, sad, bitchy or mad. We bicker like crazy at times, but what we have is so awesome it doesn't even matter. He is in Vegas right now, and I hope having a great time. Maybe he'll get a hooker, I mean escort while he is there.
Just to publicly let him know, it's not that I don't appreciate his sappiness, and feel the same way, I just didn't think we should go all sappy on the messages again in case we have to hand them down later on down the road, like we are doing now.
My family rocks too. I love them so much and am so happy and thankful everyday for the lovely little family we have. Nobody thought we would ever last, and at times I have even wondered myself, but we're doing good and it will be 7 years of marriage this November. Man, I'm getting old. Maybe too old to have another baby, but I am still hoping to. Ry talks about the baby dying all the time and it breaks my heart to hear her. She doesn't even really grasp it I know, but almost daily she will tell me she is sad and when I ask her why she says she misses our baby that died.
Oh, I almost forgot. Me and the hubby are going to Hawaii in January. Used mileage for the tickets and am checking into a cruise of the islands. SWEET!!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. H at 4:38 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Worst day ever, week actually...
Monday I had my 10 week appointment. First time actually meeting doc, and I brought my 4 year old w/ as she is so excited about being big sister.
Doc started in on all the tests recommended for my age (35 next week) and started going over the different ones. I interrupted and asked if I was pregnant as I am just not feeing it. No morning sickness, no heartburn, nothing really. She did a vaginal ultrasound and suspected a miscarriage if my dates were correct. My dates are absolutely correct. She then ordered a level 2 ultrasound at a different location and I was to go there Tuesday. Sent me off to get some bloodwork to check my levels.
My husband missed work and we went Tuesday morning. At first the u/s tech gave me some hope when she said the sac only measures at 7 weeks, and to come back next week. I said my doc is suspecting a miscarriage and I really can't wait. I asked if it was possible that the sac just stopped growing as by my dates I should be at 10 weeks. She couldn't answer of course as she is not a doc. She then did vaginal u/s and was measuring something in sac, but I couldn't really see anything and could not see anything at all on docs original vaginal u/s. The tech was then very quiet and didn't say anything. She left for about 10 minutes, came back and said the doc will get w/ me w/ results. Didn't sound too encouraging.
Wednesday morning had to get 2nd round of bloodwork to see if my hcg levels increased like they needed to or decreased indicating miscarriage. They had decreased and the doc called me w/ the news. I went ahead and scheduled D/C for Thursday morning. That night I freaked out w/ 2nd thoughts, and called the on call nurses throuhg docs office. The sweet nurse assured me I didn't have to do it, but based on all the results she knows the doc would not suggest this w/o going over everything very carefully and would order more testing if she thought there was any chance.
Thursday morning, we head to the hospital and talk to the doc again. Told her about my freakout and she said I could definitely wait if I wanted to but w/ the declining numbers and the lab u/s it is a miscarriage as the lab u/s showed fetal demise at 6 weeks. I went ahead w/ procedure and am feeling ok, physically that is.
I have never been thru this before and it is awful. I had such an easy, wonderful pregnancy w/ my dd who is 4, I just assumed this one would be too.
The doc says I can try again immediately after getting a period, and I will. I am defintely not telling people until after the 1st trimester if there is a next time. Other than the miscarriage itself, this has been the hardest pert, telling all my close friends and family about this.
My stepson that lives w/ us knows about it, he is 13. Haven't decided how or even if we are going to tell dd. She is only 4, and as long as I get pregnant right away, she won't know the difference in 9 months or 12 months really. I don't know though. My husband doesn't want to tell her at all, thinks she is too young and doesn't need to know. Any thoughts or personal expreiences on this?
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:06 PM 0 comments
worst week ever!!!!
Monday I had my 10 week appointment. First time actually meeting doc, and I brought Ry as she is so excited about being big sister.
Doc started in on all the tests recommended for age and started going over the different ones. I interrupted and asked if I was pregnant as I am just not feeling it. No morning sickness, no heartburn, nothing really. She did a vaginal ultrasound and suspected a miscarriage if my dates were correct. My dates are absolutely correct. She then ordered a level 2 ultrasound at a different location and I was to go there Tuesday. Sent me off to get some blood work to check my levels.
My husband missed work and we went Tuesday morning. At first the u/s tech gave me some hope when she said the sac only measures at 7 weeks, and to come back next week. I said my doc is suspecting a miscarriage and I really can't wait. I asked if it was possible that the sac just stopped growing as by my dates I should be at 10 weeks. She couldn't answer of course as she is not a doc. She then did vaginal u/s and was measuring something in sac, but I couldn't really see anything and could not see anything at all on docs orig vaginal u/s. The tech was then very quiet and didn't say anything. She left for about 10 minutes, came back and said the doc will get w/ me w/ results. Didn't sound too encouraging.
Wednesday morning had to get 2ND round of blood work to see if my hcg levels increased like they needed to or decreased indicating miscarriage. They had decreased and the doc called me w/ the news. I went ahead and scheduled D/C for Thursday morning. That night I freaked out w/ 2ND thoughts, and called the on call nurses through docs office. The sweet nurse assured me I didn't have to do it, but based on all the results she knows the doc would not suggest this w/o going over everything very carefully and would order more testing if she thought there was any chance.
Thursday morning, we head to the hospital and talk to the doc again. Told her about my freak out and she said I could definitely wait if I wanted to but w/ the declining numbers and the lab u/s it is a miscarriage as the lab u/s showed fetal demise at 6 weeks. I went ahead w/ procedure and am feeling OK, physically that is.
I have never been thru this before and it is awful. I had such an easy, wonderful pregnancy w/ daughter who is 4, I just assumed this one would be too.
The doc says I can try again immediately after getting a period, and I will. I am definitely not telling people until after the 1st trimester if there is a next time. Other than the miscarriage itself, this has been the hardest pert, telling all my close friends and family about this.
Our son knows about it, he is 13. Haven't decided how or even if we are going to tell Ry. She is only 4, and as long as I get pregnant right away, she won't know the difference in 9 months or 12 months really. I don't know though. My husband doesn't want to tell her at all, thinks she is too young and doesn't need to know.
I love you all and thanks your for all your prayers and support this week, I appreciate it so much!!!
Posted by Mrs. H at 4:33 PM 5 comments
Saturday, June 02, 2007
We're having a baby!!
The 3 of you that ever read this, already know that we are having a baby!!!
It is due Januray 25, 2008. We don't know if it will be a boy or a girl, and may not find out like last time.
That's about all.
Scotland was great. My job still sucks. I was actually going to quit and take about 6 months off, living off my savings/retirement when I found out I was pregnant. That's life!
Mr. H starts a new job Monday. That will be nice. 2 of my best friends moved to Florida, they suck! I'll see them in August for the wedding and that will be great. 2 frickin' pregos unable to drink in the Florida heat and humidity.
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Greetings from Scotland
I am here! It is fabulous. It is raining everyday. More like a constant drizzle like Seattle. It is so beautiful!
Been out in the countryside, but going to Edinburgh today, so that will be nice.
Miss my family! Miss you all. I'll be home Friday. It is 11am here, so you are all sleeping as it is about 3am in Phoenix. Phillip may be up I guess.
Love you all!
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:57 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Same old, same old
Hate my job, but I interviewed for a new job today. I hate interviews, but I think it went ok. It was only the first interview, they'll pass onto the hiring manager w/ thier feedback and I may get called back for a 2nd interview. Won't probably know for a couple weeks, which would actually be great, because then my current job won't take my Scotland trip away.
I leave for Scotland on the 22nd. Very exciting. I get to try Falconry while I am there. I don't know anything else about the trip yet.
We had a mostly nice Easter gathering here. The usual fighting between Mr. H and his sister. Diva wasn't feeling well, which sucked, but she did not ruin Easter!!!!
Diva and family were the first to depart and then Mr. H told his sister to go home too. We chatted w/ my mother in law until about midnight, then watched Sopranos w/ Movieman. I then tried to stay awake long enough to watch Entourage w/ Movieman, but failed miserably. It must have been all those wine coolers The Baron made me drink so he wasn't drinking alone.
Mr. H is on his 2nd week of unemployment, but I am not stressing yet. He's still getting paid for a few weeks. Last week was his slack off week and tomorow he will go get set up w/ Manpower. They have temp jobs as well as full time permanent jobs.
Oh we got to go on a date last Friday - thanks again to Diva and family for watching the Ryster so we could go out to eat. It was nice!
That's all I have, love you!
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Still love the new ride! It rocks!
Disneyland was great!
Got to buy pants another size smaller!
Oh and just one more thing.....
Get your own countdown at
I'll be staying here and here!
Posted by Mrs. H at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Posted by Mrs. H at 8:40 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Happy New Year!
Yeah, so I am only 20 days late on this post. I'm a busy girl, w/ all my napping, and tv show watching. I just downloaded the New Years pics today. Here we all are ringing in the New Year - unfortunately Phillip had to work that night as usual.It was a very quiet, uneventful night, the kids had a great time.
As you should know by reading Phillips novel on his blog we are going together on Friday to get Lasik eye surgery. We are terrified but very excited to see w/o our glasses/contacts. Mr. H took the day off to take us both and he will probably go watch a movie while we are getting it done. Although the surgery is only about 7 minutes, they'll be rechecking our eyes again w/ the fancy expensive computer to make sure all the readings or whatever stuff is good to go, so the whole thing will take a few hours. I think we were there for about 4 hours just for our initial consultation. I am so excited Phillip was able to get credit to get it done. He is so ugly in his glasses! KIDDING! I just had to throw that in there for his viewing pleasure.
Soccer was cancelled today due to the weather, which is good since Ry is sick anyway. Double good since it was our turn for snacks and Mr. H was going to have to run snacks/drinks there anyway even though Ry wasn't going to play.
We are working on getting the house refinanced right now and it isn't fun. Hoping to combine our 1st and 2nd mortgage w/1 lower payment and still get some cash out now for newer vehicles for both of us, oh and to pay Phillip back all the money I owe him. I think I'll tell him my Mom died and I need the money for a ticket, that's the story he told his cousin, and he didn't have to pay her back. Sorry man, couldn't help myself. :)
That's about it for now. War is coming up in less than a month and the guys are supposed to get together today and do some man sewing for Baron Von Stupid Pants, but he must be too busy SABOD right now, as they aren't here yet.
I think I'll go nap now.
Posted by Mrs. H at 2:32 PM 3 comments