Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Deck the Halls
The Christmas decorating is done... We have 2 trees this year. The old one was too short for these ceilings, so I got a 9 foot one last year on big sale after Christmas, it now touches the ceiling and my old one looks dinky now.
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:34 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Drill Meet
We went to watch Taylors Drill Meet today. It was cool. Long time to wait for him to perform (3 hours) but he did great. Here are some pics and video, we didn't get the whole thing. In fact, due to technical difficulties, meaning Mr. H, we only got 5 seconds total. Luckily, we had a friend there and she got a little more than that.
Geez, look how serious and intent he isin the first pic. He says it is just the son. I say whatever. I am so proud of him!
Posted by Mrs. H at 4:05 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am thankful for....

Posted by Mrs. H at 8:40 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
So Proud
Don't know all the details yet, but our ROTC guy just called from Sahuarita High School where they just preformed his first ROTC drill meet. They did so good they qualified to go to "some bowl". He said The Super Bowl, but I am thinking The Rose Bowl since he said it was in California. He is so excited and we are so happy for him!!!
Posted by Mrs. H at 3:35 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Fun
Today we went to a Pumpkin Patch and here are some pics...
Ry making "corn angels"
My 3 favorite goofballs...My "babies"
Me and the kids....
Posted by Mrs. H at 12:01 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Our2peasinapod Custom Boutique Jewelry Blog: Pink Giveaway & Tag
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
My Mommy comes into town tonight for Ry's fall break. We were supposed to go to Cali. for the week but just can't afford it. We'll just have to have fun here.
Going out for sushi tonight - YEAH!!!!!! I haven't had sushi in so long. Shouldn't spend the money, but I really want some sushi. After sushi we'll come get the kids (Grandma L. watching while we go out) and go pick up Mom at 1030.
I started back at curves this week. I go back to work in a month. YUCK!!!
Hey, so it is only Oct. 10 and I finally put the last of my xmas decor away. LOL - if I didn't have halloween/thanksgiving stuff to put on those shelves I wouldn't have even bothered w/ xmas being so close.
Posted by Mrs. H at 3:42 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Please go here... leave a comment and vote at the bottom. It is Moms friends son in college and is for a grade in one of his classes. Thanks.
Posted by Mrs. H at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
My future Navy SEAL
T. got his patricipation ribbon in ROTC and is very proud of himself. He got it for participating in three non-required events. He is now working on his community service ribbon. He is really enjoying this whole ROTC thing.
Also, check out the GUNS.....
Posted by Mrs. H at 4:31 PM 4 comments
Labels: kids
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I have combined both the girls blogs into one. They can now be found here.
My baby is already 4 weeks old, so that means I only have 8 more weeks off work. That stinks.
I don't really have much else to blog about, I don't do much these days, but catch sleep whenever I can and take care of the family. Of course, I keep up on all my normal reality TV and then some. I learn funny things from reality TV.
Posted by Mrs. H at 7:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
We are home....
We've been home actually, it just still hurts too much to sit at computer for very long. That's what happens I guess when you push out a small toddler.
Ramsie is wonderful, so sweet and mellow, just like Rylee was until she started talking. I am hoping Ramsie will stay that way and be the opposite of her big sis. She is giving me a hassle at feedings. I did cave the first night home and gave her a little bottle, because I felt so bad for her as she was wailing. I have held strong since then though even though Mr. H tried to get me to give her more bottles. She feeds great one time and then the next she takes a few swigs and starts wailing like I am starving her. It makes me feel bad, but I am not backing down, she will not starve to death. She will usually settle down and go to sleep and we try again the next time, so I figure she can't be that hungry or she would suck it up (literally) and eat.
I am thinking of combining the 2 girls blogs into one, I don't really need 3 blogs to post on, I know it's hard to keep up w/ my busy life, so if you only had to read 2 blogs it would make it easier.
Now about the other man in my life....
My little ROTC guy. He really seems excited about it and I am very happy and hope he sticks w/ it as long as he continues to enjoy it.
I am off to update the girls blogs now.
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:35 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 03, 2008
38 weeks.......
I have my bag mostly packed for the hospital and her bag is all packed. 3 outfits I packed for her. I'm a nut, but that's ok. I need a picture outfit and a going home outfit and I may not want them to be the same.
Grama is planning on driving out on the 9th. Hopefully baby girl no name will cooperate and not come any sooner so she can be here.
I have been through the whole 60,000 baby names book and we have a list, now we are going to take turns crossing out names and see what is left when we are done and go from there. May just take the top 5 names w/ us to hospital and see what we think when she is born.
For your viewing pleasure, I bring you a crappy cell phone pic taken just now....

Posted by Mrs. H at 6:25 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Blah, blah, blah
Nothing much to report. It's hot, I'm huge, and my house is still a mess. The girls room is done though and there will be pics posted on Ry's blog, so go there is you want to see it.
Went and spent money we shouldn't have to see the newest Batman "The Dark Knight" it was great. I love Heath Ledger and such a waste that he is dead. Poor Movieman was stuck next to some obnoxious kids, but it was his 2nd time seeing it, so better him than me. I was just trying to breath through my mouth the whole time, because Movieman smelled so bad. LOL Kidding, some freak was wearing way to much floral perfume somewhere in the vicinity and it was making me sick.
Today I have my weekly doc appt and next week is yet another ultrasound to see how big little miss is now.
I am only working Tuesday - Thursday right now for 1 month. I was taking at least that much time off anyway every week, so I just made it permanent for 4 weeks that I take Friday off too. Now, I just have to force myself to stay there all day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. :)
Mr. H, coworkers threw us a shower last Monday and it was so much more than I ever expected a work shower to be. So sweet of them to take the time and do this for us. We got a lot more great stuff. His boss painted up construction helmets for us and blinged them out w/ jewels and baby bottles. A pic can be seen here as Diva immediately posted the pic I sent to her by cell phone. Now to get that batch of Thank You cards done.
Posted by Mrs. H at 12:02 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
1 year later
A Mother has a baby
Yes, you can He replied
Some I send for a lifetime
I just don't understand this, God
I wish I could show you
"We go to earth and learn our lessons
I feel so lucky to have a Mom
I miss my Mommy oh so much
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
So you see my dear sweet one
They'll wait for you with me
So now you see what makes a Mother
Posted by Mrs. H at 11:14 PM 6 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Weekend update
Today we took the Saturn in to have the AC checked, it blows cold, but not cold enough and never truly cools down when it is HOT out. That is done, so it better work great tomorrow. I don't know how it works, because it is still sitting at Saturn, hopefully a gate will be open and Mr. H can pick it up on his way home tonight.
Tonight it is just me and the kids as Daddy is at dorky Anime convention. Tomorrow we are all going to Waterworld thanks to the cheap Season Pass that costs as much as 2 entries into the park. I cannot believe I am taking my fat pregnant ass to a water park, but I know Ry will love it so that is why I am doing it.
Have so much to do around this house to make it more livable. Have laundry piled to my knees (slight exaggeration) but I just don't ever care to do it, until I run out of underwear or something else I need. Have to get the girls room done and quick. We need to prep the ceiling and get painted this next weekend hopefully, so we can get all the other finishing touches done to it during the week when Grama is here sewing everything. Have to fit a baby shower and pedicures in there somewhere too. Must work on my room so the baby even has a place to sleep, although my dresser drawers are empty, I could always stick her in one of those. The playroom is a disaster zone and just looks like a toystore exploded, there isn't even room to play. Need to get that cleared out and toys all sorted, so we can set up a baby area w/ all the baby toys too, not that she'll be in there for awhile, but still. Waiting on new gate to block off the whole playroom to keep the dogs and someday crawling baby out of there.
I can't wait to be off work for 3 months, not that I work a whole lot anyway, but it is going to be so nice to be off for 12 straight weeks and actually get a paycheck for the whole time. I'm not going to know what to do w/ all the money. Oh yeah, pay neglected bills, aw well.
Ok, these are from real camera and taken by the boy so cannot say it is because they were taken by a short person, MY BELLY IS HUGE!!!!!! Just you wait, you'll see soon enough.
Posted by Mrs. H at 8:03 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
My princess and other stuff
Not my daughter, but my puppy. Little miss Zoey will ONLY go potty in the shade, if you stick her in the sun, she will not even walk to a shady spot in the grass, she will walk back under our patio and try to go on the rug. If you place her in a shady spot in the grass, no problem. SPOILED!!!
I am up to drop off Ry at her summer program. While she is there for 3 hours, I am going to Petsmart to get more puppy pee training pads for inside, go to Target to look at new strollers and other baby stuff and try to fit a pedicure in there as well before picking her up at noon.
We'll have to hit Sams Club after school and then grab some lunch. Hopefully a nap and tehn swimming later on when Mr. H gets here w/ her cousin after work.
What an exciting day!
Posted by Mrs. H at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: kids
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I am addicted...
To playing Texas Hold 'Em on Myspace. Seriously every day.
Posted by Mrs. H at 8:13 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Meet Zoey*
*name still under consideration - Mr. H says no, but thats what me and Ry keep calling her.
Crappy cell phone pics....
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:43 PM 2 comments