-Drunken bowling was fun. Not nearly as much fun as when we went last time, but still fun.
-Wiggles was fun, by fun I mean it doesn't matter if I was bored out of my mind, which I wasn't, as long as the kids had fun.
-Tomorrow we are meeting friends at the park to feed the ducks and play. Then we will go get that cell phone and eat lunch and take naps. I am hoping for the nap anyway.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
My weekend
Posted by Mrs. H at 10:02 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Drunken bowling part 2
Going bowling again tonight. Mr. H's friend from his old job is moving back to Idaho this weekend, so we are going bowling tonight. May not be as fun w/ just the 3 of us. Need to see if Rob wants to go still and we put a message into some friends in Prescott. I'll be drinking and bowling so I'll have fun anyway!
It's Taylors birthday weekend, his birthday is Tuesday, so he had a friend over last night and Mr. H is taking them to race go carts or something today. Still don't know what to get him, he doesn't need anything, and he can't even think of stuff he wants. We are still debating a cell phone. I only want to get him one because when school starts back up in the fall it is Jr. High/Middle School and it is further away across a major street. Still don't even know if he is bussing it to school or what. With a phone, he can call us or Grandma or his Mom if she is late. We still think he is too young for one though, so we are torn. It would just be a prepaid one anyway, nothing I would have to put out money every month for or anything.
Right now Mr. H is off to Home Depot to get some chlorine to clean this nasty pool. I will run to Costco when he gets back, for hopefully cheaper gas, some Dockers pants for his new job and some groceries. Then when I get back the boys can go play. Ry and I can have lunch and naps!
What a day!
Posted by Mrs. H at 10:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
But of course
Your Celebrity Match is: John Travolta
John Travolta
Born: February 18, 1954Actor John Travolta is famous for his roles in Face/Off, Pulp Fiction, Thin Red Line, Grease, and Phenomenon.
Your next closest matches were:
Samuel L. Jackson
Mel Gibson
Dave Matthews
Posted by Mrs. H at 11:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Finally some progress
We did it! Well got a real good start anyway. The guys cleared everything out and organized Mr. H's workshop/tool area. Diva and I went through all the clothes and shoes, although 1 shoe is still missing and of course it is my absolute favorite Doc sandal ever! My other pair of Doc sandals ruined as well as 2 HUGE bags of clothes. Our garage flooded from the rain and the stuff got molded and trashed. Bummer, but less to sort through. Went through a bunch more boxes and threw stuff out. It is amazing the stuff that gets packed into boxes. It is not just me either, I know I didn't pack a mini pumpkin from God only knows when, that turned to dust. Still haven't found some books of Moviemans either.
We aren't finished - we were at it for more than 9 hours and still didn't get done. We have it all moved back in nicely with room to work now. At night, when the kids are in bed we can go out and go through stuff and get it all repacked into plastic tubs, in case it floods again. Get all the yard sale stuff in an area and get rid of it ASAP!
Today, when Mr. H gets up he needs to go get carpet cleaner form Home Depot and we need to clear out the living room and get carpet cleaned. Diva and family coming back over after church so Baron can help w/ setting the TV and everything back up on the new stand.
They are supposed to call tonight to set up delivery for my new living room. Will take pitures tomorrow!
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Change of plans
So when we got back from seeing baby Jack, there was a message saying the ottoman was in and to call back for delivery. I called and told them I didn't want the ottoman delivered until the couch was in and did they know when that might be. She didn't but said she'd get the saleperson to check for me. She then came back and said oh the couch is in too. GREAT! Deliver it all on Monday then.
We then decided instead of a rush trip to Magic Mountain we really should just stay home and get the house ready and clean for our pretty new living room!
Called the wrecking crew and they had a change of plans too, and aren't going to Payson this weekend after all, so Diva and The Baron will come help w/ the garage. Hopefully, we will actually get it done this time. :)
Now instead of spending money on our Magic Mountain weekend, I can get my stuff at Ikea for the TV and something for all the DVD's. We are going tomorrow if you want to join us!
Posted by Mrs. H at 10:59 PM 1 comments
I'm a slacker
I talked a friend at work into working for me, so I didn't have too. When Mr. H gets home we are going to get another free rental car and go see baby Jack, Thor and Genevas new baby. Tonight I have lots of laundry to do and get packed. Tomorrow I work for a whole 4 hours and then we are going to Magic Mountain. Grandma is watching Ryster and Taylor will be at his Moms. A weekend for just us. Then Monday, Mr. H and Rob start their new wonderful jobs!
I should get a shower in before Diva gets here....
Posted by Mrs. H at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
It's huge
Here is our new TV. It is wonderful. We love it. 56 inches of viewing pleasure. Now that I posted this, I am wondering why. Those of you here, have already seen it, the other one doesn't care about tv's. Oh well.
I want to go to IKEA now and get something like this to put it on.
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:37 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
Mr. H may not even know yet, but he got a new way better job!!!!!!!
The guy called first thing this morning and left a message. I immediately called my honey and texted him the number, he hasn't called me back yet, so I don't know if he has talked to him yet. Talking to Diva though, this guy has already told The Baron that he is hiring both Rob and Mr. H. Rob already knows he has been hired, and apparently they will need to go in this afternoon to fill out paperwork!
This is going to be so awesome for our family! He'll be making almost 5 bucks more an hour, the health insurance is apparently awesome and super cheap. So I can stop paying about 150.00 a month for me and the kids at my work. We'll do our whole family it all on his for like 80.00 a month. Plus, Todd says the Lasik eye surgery is covered too, so I may not have to wait til next year for that. The best part is I can work less hours as soon as my work will let me!
I am going to go write up his 2 week notice so he can hand that in tomorrow!!
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:40 AM 4 comments
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Nothing much going on
Yesterday we went to try on bridal dresses for Diva. Uncle Todd stayed here w/ Ry and the boys. Very easy, mission accomplished. She already knew which one she wanted pretty much, so she tried on a whole 3 dresses. She then took us girls out for a drink. We had to go to 3 different places, before we got to one that would allow smoking. Yummy drink!
We then came back here to hang until Mr. H got home as they were going to help us start on the garage. By the time he got home at 8:00 and grilled us all some burgers we decided we were not getting to the garage as it was getting late and we were all tired. We'll start next weekend. We need to get it cleared out, everything sorted and piles for giveaway, yard sale, and I am sure there is just plenty of trash. He would like to just pitch everything in there, but I need to go through it. I have to go through it thinking if there was some disaster would I care if I never saw it again. I am such a pack rat. Most of the stuff was just moved from the last house so it has been packed in boxes for over 6 years now. Obviously, whatever is in there I am not missing.
Today I am supposed to go to Sam's Club and Costco to look at big screen tv's. First I wanted the pool resurfaced, but the guy hasn't called me back. Then I wanted to get a hot tub, but that is just too much work. We'd have to get an electrician out here to wire a new outlet, and Mr. H would have to build a deck in the spot we would put it. So, now we have decided to get a fancy new tv to go w/ our new couch that should be here soon.
That's my exciting weekend. Man, my blogs are BORING, but they are mainly for Brig's benefit as everyone else already knows what I am doing or have done.
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Good times, with good friends
So, Friday night, Mr. H and I went bowling w/ the newlyweds, Rob and Mei, and Movieman too. It was lots of fun. I drank quite a bit and still bowled well. Mostly! We all had a great time and I got a free pair of socks. Mr. H won every game of course. Diva and The Baron couldn't make it on such short notice, but there will be more drunken bowling in my future. I love it and we don't do it often enough.
Saturday night, everyone came over including Diva, The Baron and the boys. Movieman, unfortunately had to work. Mr. H grilled burgers and we played our cheap wal-mart tumbling blocks game, which will now be known as Ghetto Jenga. It was still fun. We need to do more game nights more often. I want to play Robs Truth or Dare jenga, it looks like fun.
Farewell to Mei - for now
Sunday night we went to Robs for kabobs and yummy chow mein. We hung out and ate good food. Mr. H had to leave early to get him and the kids to bed. I stayed to hang out for a bit and some friend of Robs came over and we all listened to Movieman and all his stories. I have heard all his stories so many times, over the years, but he still tells them so good and makes everyone laugh.
Posted by Mrs. H at 11:32 AM 3 comments