Sunday, April 23, 2006

Finally some progress

We did it! Well got a real good start anyway. The guys cleared everything out and organized Mr. H's workshop/tool area. Diva and I went through all the clothes and shoes, although 1 shoe is still missing and of course it is my absolute favorite Doc sandal ever! My other pair of Doc sandals ruined as well as 2 HUGE bags of clothes. Our garage flooded from the rain and the stuff got molded and trashed. Bummer, but less to sort through. Went through a bunch more boxes and threw stuff out. It is amazing the stuff that gets packed into boxes. It is not just me either, I know I didn't pack a mini pumpkin from God only knows when, that turned to dust. Still haven't found some books of Moviemans either.

We aren't finished - we were at it for more than 9 hours and still didn't get done. We have it all moved back in nicely with room to work now. At night, when the kids are in bed we can go out and go through stuff and get it all repacked into plastic tubs, in case it floods again. Get all the yard sale stuff in an area and get rid of it ASAP!

Today, when Mr. H gets up he needs to go get carpet cleaner form Home Depot and we need to clear out the living room and get carpet cleaned. Diva and family coming back over after church so Baron can help w/ setting the TV and everything back up on the new stand.

They are supposed to call tonight to set up delivery for my new living room. Will take pitures tomorrow!


Dakini said...

coooooooooooooool! I've been re-arranging and moving furniture around too. :D zspring is the time is the moment...:P

Hell you know how much I love to do that, If we lived there I'd be helping big time! :D Well continue to have fun with all the stuff.

Love you!!!