Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nothing much going on

Yesterday we went to try on bridal dresses for Diva. Uncle Todd stayed here w/ Ry and the boys. Very easy, mission accomplished. She already knew which one she wanted pretty much, so she tried on a whole 3 dresses. She then took us girls out for a drink. We had to go to 3 different places, before we got to one that would allow smoking. Yummy drink!

We then came back here to hang until Mr. H got home as they were going to help us start on the garage. By the time he got home at 8:00 and grilled us all some burgers we decided we were not getting to the garage as it was getting late and we were all tired. We'll start next weekend. We need to get it cleared out, everything sorted and piles for giveaway, yard sale, and I am sure there is just plenty of trash. He would like to just pitch everything in there, but I need to go through it. I have to go through it thinking if there was some disaster would I care if I never saw it again. I am such a pack rat. Most of the stuff was just moved from the last house so it has been packed in boxes for over 6 years now. Obviously, whatever is in there I am not missing.

Today I am supposed to go to Sam's Club and Costco to look at big screen tv's. First I wanted the pool resurfaced, but the guy hasn't called me back. Then I wanted to get a hot tub, but that is just too much work. We'd have to get an electrician out here to wire a new outlet, and Mr. H would have to build a deck in the spot we would put it. So, now we have decided to get a fancy new tv to go w/ our new couch that should be here soon.

That's my exciting weekend. Man, my blogs are BORING, but they are mainly for Brig's benefit as everyone else already knows what I am doing or have done.


Anonymous said...

good news. I wrote the same thing too..he he you..alot of kisses and hugs

MOVIEMAN said...

Cool. I'm so jealous.